43 neoxion_links
- Advent of Code - small programming puzzles
- App Ideas - app ideas to improve your coding skills
- Awesome Competitive Programming, Algorithm, DataStruct
- Awesome Katas - curated list of code katas
- Battlesnake - multi-player programming game
- Build Your Own - Leveling up C/C++coding skills
- CheckiO - coding games and programming challenges
- CodeChef - Competitive Programming
- CodeCrafters - Advanced programming challenges
- CodecCafters - Build your own tech from scratch
- Codeforces - Programming Contests
- Code Golf - Code challenges of all types
- Code Golf - show off your code-fu
- CodeOnTheCob - interactive coding challenges
- Coderbyte - Code Screening, Challenges
- CoderPad - Live Coding Interview Platform
- CodeSignal - Coding Tests & Assessments Interviews
- Codewars - Train with Programming Challenges/Kata
- Codier - Front-end Coding Challenges
- CodinGame - Coding Games, Programming Challenges
- CodingBat - Java and Python exercises
- Coding Challenges - Build Real-World Applications
- Devpost - home for hackathons
- Edabit - 10,000+ Interactive Challenges ML
- First Contributions - Help to contribute to OS projects
- First Contributions - Make OS contribution in 5 minutes
- Frontend Mentor - Front-end coding challenges
- HackerRank - Coding Tests and Technical Interviews
- InterviewBit - Coding Interview Questions
- JavaScript Katas - Fix failing tests
- Just For Fun - Showcasing Creative Coding
- pgrammer - Practice coding interview questions
- Project Ideas - app ideas to improve your coding skills
- Project Lovelace - scientific programming problems
- Python Principles - Online Python Challenges
- REDDIT - Daily Programmer - Programming Challenges
- TechGig - Competitive Programming Challenges
- The Coding Train - coding tutorials and challenges
- The Deadlock Empire
- The Make-A-Lisp Process - How to write a Lisp interpreter
- Tom's Data Onion - Programming Puzzle in Text File
- Up For Grabs - Explore open source projects
- Wolfram Challenges - Programming Puzzles