111 neoxion_links
- 16-bits - ProTracker, Fasttracker
- AIMP - Free Audio Player - Win,Android,Linux
- Amarok - OS Music Player for Win,Mac,Linux ML
- Ampache - OS Music Streaming Server, Audio,Video
- Anklang - OS Music Synthesizer and Composer
- Anvil Studio - Free Music Notation & MIDI
- ardour - OS Digital Audio Workstation
- Audacious - OS Advanced Audio Player
- Audacity - Free OS cross-platform Audio Software
- Audiveris - OS Optical Music Recognition OCR
- Awesome Audio - Curated List of Audio Tech Resources
- AzuraCast - OS self-hosted Web Radio Suite
- beets - OS Music Media Library Manager Mac,Linux
- Bespoke Synth - OS Modular DAW Win,Mac,Linux
- cSound - Sound and Music Computing System
- DeaDBeeF - OS Music Player for Win,Mac,Linux
- Denemo - Free and Open Music Notation Editor
- Everyone Piano - Free Piano Software and Tools
- Exaile ยท OS Music Player for Win,Mac,Linux
- FamiStudio - OS NES Chiptune Music Editor
- FluidSynth - OS Software Synthesizer
- foobar2000 - Freeware Audio Player for Win,Mac
- fooyin - OS Customisable Music Player for Linux
- freac - Free OS Audio Converter and CD Ripper
- Frinika - OS Music Workstation
- Giada - OS Loop Machine for Win,Mac,Linux
- Glitchmachines - Sound Design Effect PlugIns
- Guitarix - GNU Linux Virtual Amplifier
- helio - OS Music Sequencer for Win,Mac,Linux
- Helm - OS Polyphonic Synth Win,Mac,Linux
- Hydrogen - Free OS advanced Drum Machine
- Javascript MIDI Music Pattern Generator OS
- Jingle Pallete - Free Music Jingle Player
- JJazzLab - OS band-in-a-box for Win,Mac,Linux
- KaraFun - Online Karaoke with over 46,000 Songs
- Karaoke Eternal - OS Karaoke Party System
- koel - free OS personal Music Streaming Server
- Laborejo Software Suite - OS programs to make music
- LenMus - OS Music Theory for Win,Mac,Linux
- LilyPond - OS Music Notation Win,Mac,Linux ML
- Linux DAW - Quality Audio Software for Linux
- LinuxMusicians - Forum for making music with Linux
- Linux Sampler Project - OS Audio Sampler
- List of music software - Wikipedia
- LMMS - OS music production software
- Lyrion Music Server - OS Music Server Win,Mac,Linux
- MadTracker - Tracker-based Music Composition Tool
- MC Musiceditor - Free Music Notation Software
- MilkyTracker - Tracker-based Music Composition Tool
- MIxxx Audio-Mixer - OS DJ Software Win,Mac,Linux
- Mopidy - OS Audio Server and Audio Streaming
- MP3tag - The Universal Tag Editor
- mStream - Open Source Music Streaming Server
- MultitrackStudio - Audio/MIDI Recording for Win,Mac
- MuseScore - Free Music Composition and Notation ML
- MusicBee - Ultimate Music Manager and Player
- MusicBrainz Picard - OS Music Tagger Win,Mac,Linux ML
- Music Player Daemon - OS Server Plays Music
- Navidrome - OS self-host Music Collection Streaming
- Neothesia - OS Synthesia MIDI Visualizer Win,Mac,Linux
- Non - Modular DAW Studio and Live Mixer
- Nootka - OS Music Notation for Win,Mac,Linux
- Nuclear - OS Streaming Music Player Win,Mac,Linux
- Ocenaudio - Free Audio Editor for Win,Mac,Linux
- OpenAudio - Open-Source Audio Plugins & Apps
- OpenMPT - Open ModPlug Tracker
- OpenUtau - OS Singing Synthesis Platform
- Ossia Score - Free OS Sequencer for Win,Mac,Linux
- Overtone - OS Collaborative Programmable Music
- PaulXStretch - OS Extreme Time-Stretching of Sounds
- PianoBooster - OS Piano Teaching App Win,Mac,Linux
- piCorePlayer - OS Audio Server and Audio Streaming
- PixiTracker - Tracker-based Music Composition Tool
- Polaris - OS Music Streaming Application
- PortAudio - OS Audio I/O Library and API
- Qmmp - OS Multimedia Audio Player Windows & Linux
- Qtractor - OS Audio MIDI multi-track Sequencer Linux
- Quod Libet - OS Music Player & Library Manager
- Radium DAWg - OS Music Editor
- REAPER - Audio Production Without Limits
- Renoise - Digital Audio Workstation and Sampler
- Rosegarden - OS Composition and Notation - Linux
- Sayonara Player - OS Audio Player Linux
- ScoreCloud - Free Automatic Music Notation Software
- SheetAble - Self-hosted OS Music Sheet Organizer
- snapcast - OS Synchronous Multiroom Audio Player
- SOF - Sound Open Firmware
- SoftSynth - Music and Computers
- Sonic Pi - OS Live Coding Music Synth for Everyone
- SonoBus - OS High Quality Network Audio Streaming
- SooperLooper - Live Looping Sampler
- SoundTouch - OS Audio Processing Library Win,Mac,Linux
- SoundTracker - Tracker-based Music Composition Tool
- Strawberry - OS Music Player, Clementine Fork
- SunVox Modular Music Studio
- Surge - Free OS Hybrid Sythesizer
- Swami Project - MIDI Instrument Designer
- Tauon Music Box - OS Music Player for Windows & Linux
- Tenacity - OS multi-track Audio Editor, Audacity-Fork
- terminatorX - OS realtime Audio Synthesizer
- Tidal Cycles - OS Live coding Music with Patterns
- Tone - Web Audio Framework
- Tracktion - Waveform Free Win,Mac,Linux
- VB-Audio - Free Audio Cable Software
- VCV Rack - Eurorack Simulator for Win,Mac,Linux
- Volumio - OS Audiophile Music Streaming Player
- WACUP - WinAmp Community Update Project
- Wavosaur - Free Audio Editor with VST and ASIO
- xwax - Digital Vinyl System on Linux
- Zrythm - OS Audio Workstation Win,Mac,Linux ML
- ZynAddSubFX - OS SW Synthesizer Win,Mac,Linux