84 neoxion_links
- Airplane - Developer Infrastructure for Internal Tools
- Apache Airflow - Author, Schedule, Monitor Workflows
- Apache Ant - Build Tool, Dependency Management
- Apache Maven - Uniform Build Process System
- Appliku - Python/Django Deployment Cloud Management
- AppVeyor - Continuous Integration and Deployment
- Awesome CI - List of Continuous Integration Services
- Awesome CI and CD - Continuous Integration and Delivery
- AWS CodeDeploy - Automated Software Deployment ML
- AWS Lambda - Run code without Servers or Clusters ML
- Bamboo - CI and CD Build Server ML
- Bazel - OS fast, scalable, extensible Build System ML
- Begin - Deploy and Ship functional Web Apps & APIs
- Buddy - The DevOps Automation Platform
- Buildbot - Continuous Integration Testing Framework
- CapRover - OS Build your own PaaS in Minutes
- CircleCI - Continuous Integration and Delivery
- CloudBees - Enterprise Software Delivery Platform
- Cloudflare Workers - Deploy Serverless Code instantly
- Cloud Foundry - OS Cloud Native Application Delivery
- Cloudify - DevOps Automation & Orchestration Platform
- CNDI - OS self-host Apps and Cluster Deployment
- Codefresh - Argo and GitOps CI/CD Solution
- CodeLinaro - Cloud-based CI DevOps Platform
- Codemagic - CI/CD for Android, iOS, Flutter, React
- Codesphere - Cloud IDE & DevOps collaboration Platform
- Coolify - OS self-host Heroku Netlify Vercel alternative
- DDEV - OS Docker-based Local Dev Environments
- DefectDojo - CI/CD and DevSecOps Automation
- DEPLOY TO - One-click Deploy to any Cloud Host
- Development Containers - OS Development Environment
- DevPod - Open Source Dev-Environments-As-Code
- Digger - OS CI/CD Orchestrator for Terraform
- DigitalOcean - Developer Cloud Hosting for Builders
- Dokku - PaaS to Build and Manage the Lifecycle of Apps
- Drone CI - OS Automate Software Testing and Delivery
- Elestio - Fully Managed DevOps CI/CD for Open Source
- Fleek - Local Development to Global Deployments
- Fly - Deploy App Servers close to your users
- GitOps - Continuous Deployment for Applications
- GoCD - Free OS CI and CD Automation Server
- Google Cloud Run - Container to Production in Seconds ML
- Gradle - OS Build, Automate and Deliver Software
- Harness - CI/CD Software Delivery Platform
- Heroku - container-based Cloud Application Platform
- Hostman - Cloud Service Provider that Speaks Developer
- Istio - OS Distributed Microservices Architecture
- Jenkins - OS Build and Deploy Automation Server
- JReleaser - OS Release Automation Tool
- Kamal - OS Deploy Web Apps Anywhere
- Koyeb - Push Code to Production in Minutes
- LocalStack - A fully functional Local Cloud Stack
- Netlify - All-in-one Platform for Automating Web Projects
- New Relic - Monitor, debug and improve your stack
- ngrok - Online in One Line - Localhost Online
- Ninja - OS small fast Build System Win,Mac,Linux
- Nx - OS Smart Monorepos ยท Fast CI Build System
- Octopus Deploy - Deployment & Runbook Automation Tool
- OpenZiti - OS Zero Trust Networking Platform
- PikaPods - Instant Open Source App Hosting
- Platform - Cloud Platform as a Service PaaS
- Ploi - Deploy Server Management Tool
- Prefect - OS Workflow Orchestration, Data, Team
- Pulumi - OS Infrastructure as Code, Build, Deploy, Manage
- Qovery - Internal Developer Platform on AWS
- Railway - Deploy an App in minutes
- Render - Cloud Application Hosting for Developers
- Semaphore - Continuous Integration & Delivery
- Serverless - Develop & Monitor Apps On AWS Lambda
- Servers for Hackers - Server Configuration for Developers
- Sonatype - OS DevOps Automation Supply Chain
- Spinnaker - OS Cloud continuous delivery platform
- Stormkit - Build, deploy and scale your web apps
- Surge - Deployment for Static Web Publishing
- TeamCity - Hassle-Free CI/CD Tool by JetBrains ML
- Tekton - OS Framewrok for CI/CD Systems
- Temporal - OS platform for services and applications
- Travis CI - Test and Deploy with Confidence
- Tsuru - OS Deploy fast and safe anything PaaS
- Vagrant - OS Virtual Development Environments
- Vercel - Deployment - Develop, Preview, Ship
- Waypoint - Build, Deploy, Release, across platforms
- Woodpecker CI - OS CI & CD Engine System
- zrok - OS Zero Trust Networking Platform