43 neoxion_links
- Amanda Network Backup - OS Linux, Win, UNIX, Mac
- Back In Time - simple OS backup tool for Linux
- BackupPC - Open Source Backup to disk
- Bacula - OS client/server network backup
- BorgBackup - OS Backups with encryption
- BorgBase - Simple and Secure Offsite Backups
- borgmatic - configuration-driven backup software
- BURP - OS BackUp and Restore Program
- Clonezilla - Free OS Disk Imaging and Cloning
- Duplicati - Free OS software to store encrypted backups
- duplicity - OS encrypted backup using rsync
- EteSync - OS sync contacts, calendars, tasks, notes
- FBackup - Free Backup Software & Data Protection
- FileRun - Self-Hosted File Sync and Sharing
- FileCloud - Enterprise File Sharing and Sync ML
- FOG Project - free OS network computer cloning
- FreeFileSync - OS File and Folder Sync Win,Mac,Linux
- G4L - HD and partition imaging and cloning OS
- Kopia - Fast and Secure OS Backup
- rclone - OS rsync for cloud storage
- Pika Backup - OS Simple backups based on borg
- Relax-and-Recover - Linux Disaster Recovery OS
- Rescuezilla (Clonezilla GUI) - disk cloning and imaging
- Resilio - File Sync Software - Massive Data Flows
- restic - OS Backups done right
- rsnapshot - OS filesystem snapshot with rsync
- Rsyncinator - Rsync Command Generator
- rsyncnet - Cloud Storage for Offsite Backup
- rustic - OS deduplicated and encrypted backups
- SafeKeep - OS Mirror and Incremental Backup
- Seafile - OS File Sync and Share ML
- SnapRAID - OS Backup Program for Disk Arrays
- SparkleShare - OS Self hosted instant secure file sync
- Syncthing - OS continuous file synchronization
- SyncTrayzor - OS launcher for Syncthing
- SystemRescue - Linux System Rescue Toolkit
- Tarsnap - Online backups for the truly paranoid
- timeshift - filesystem snapshots using rsync
- UrBackup - OS Network Backup for Win and Linux
- Veeam Software - backup and recover Data
- Vorta - OS Client for BorgBackup
- ZPAQ - OS Backup Utility and Archiver
- zpaqfranz - backup archiver encryption Win, Linux